Feng Shui for Real Estate
Stage to Sell
Are you a sole real estate professional, real estate developer, or owner of a real estate firm who would like to gain an immediate and unique competitive edge in today's rough and tumble real estate market? Are you taking all the conventional steps to bolster business and still your sales are lackluster? Are you a buyer who wants to choose a home that will nourish you in a dynamic, fulfilling, life-enhancing way? Are you a seller who is stuck paying two mortgages or needing to move forward with your life and the selling of a home is holding you hostage?

Feng Shui for Real Estate
In this course, you will learn how to use Feng Shui principles to overcome real estate obstacles, challenges and difficulties including Feng Shui Real Estate tips, checklists for sellers and buyers, cures based on the Method of Minor Additions, color applications, and Five Element Theory. Study includes the Feng Shui Bagua (Feng Shui map/template) as it relates to a floor plan, Chi flow, Three Pillars of a home, de-cluttering, and color applications. Space clearings; blessings designed to move homes; blessings to clear old energies from previous owners; as well as ground-breaking ceremonies will be discussed. The knowledge of how Feng Shui provides a competitive advantage will be shared in an easy-to-understand, business focused, easy-to-apply format.
Real estate professionals will acquire straightforward, easy-to-apply Feng Shui principles to buy/sell/design real estate dwellings, improve bottom line, positively differentiate themselves from the competition and overcome many obstacles of a down market.
Buyers will learn what to avoid when purchasing a home or dwelling.
Sellers will learn how to get their home sold quickly.
Feng Shui knowledge, cures, and blessings can be gainfully applied over the course of
career and life.
Develop deeper relationships with a client base that provides positive and recurring
referrals as you use Feng Shui to support their successful sale and/or purchase.
Fully support well-heeled Asian buyers and sellers who demand good Feng Shui in their

About Michele Duffyvisit Michele's website

Michele Duffy is the creative and energetic force behind Mandala Feng Shui Consulting & Design, originally based in NYC and currently from the sacred ground of Tucson, Arizona. Michele's vision is to help people create sacred spaces that sustainably nourish them, their homes, their businesses and their lives! Michele has worked with commercial, corporate, and private clients alike to transform their spaces and lives with blessings that open an energetic pathway to the nuance of possibilities. Whether on site or working from floor plans, Michele's thoroughness,
creativity, compassion, and common sense approach transforms this very ancient art and science so her clients may create spaces that nourish, heal and prosper. Michele graduated from the BTB Feng Shui Masters program in 1999 and has dedicated her Feng Shui practice for the benefit of her loyal and diverse clients all over the United States. Michele lectures often and writes regularly for many publications including the Asian Institute Newsletter, AZ Green Living, and Feng Shui Reflections. Michele is a dedicated Tibetan Buddhist Yoga and Alliance Certified yoga teacher and actively shares her knowledge of breathing techniques and contemplative practices with her clients for optimal health. She is currently the Master of Feng Shui in the Metaphysical Department at Canyon Ranch Tucson, a world-class destination wellness resort. Michele's spiritually compassionate motivation for clients helps prioritizes for them the vast body of wisdom contained in Feng Shui, for their homes, business and gardens, as well as guiding them with de-cluttering, Chinese Medicine, Calendrical Psychology (Traditional Chinese/Nine Star Ki Astrology), Space Clearing and Blessings.
"I do not necessarily understand why Feng Shui works, but it works. It makes me money."
-Donald Trump
What do celebrities that have enjoyed decades-long successful careers including Madonna,
Paula Abdul, and Sting have in common?
They ALL use Feng Shui in their homes!

Listen to Michele's interview with The Green Divas below!
Are you a homeowner, real estate professional or real estate developer who is suffering financially?
Are you interested in learning how to buy/sell even with the most challenging listings and provide nourishing, dynamic living spaces for your clients or buyers, who, when successful, refer you more business?
Are you interested in helping your real estate sales staff increase sales, differentiate from your competition, and grow your business?
Are you interested in learning how to spot bad Feng Shui in homes and how to correct it for positive results and a home/life that thrives?
Are you interested in helping others achieve happiness, health and success through the positive changes they can create with good Feng Shui?
Is this course for me?
Topics Covered in Session 1
In this session you will be introduced to the competitive advantage of Feng Shui and the effectiveness of Feng Shui in overcoming obstacles, down markets and difficult listings. You will study the Feng Shui Map, or Bagua, and how it works for real estate professionals, developers, and sellers, learn how to use the Bagua, and discuss the importance of The Three Pillars of the home, bathrooms, de-cluttering and color applications for real estate success.

Topics Covered in Session 2

We will review in greater detail the importance of The Three Pillars, de-cluttering, and color applications for successful real estate transactions. We will discuss the exhaustive checklists and cures designed specifically for real estate professionals, sellers and buyers and how to easily implement. We will also cover how to introduce Feng Shui to your clients, sellers, buyers.
Topics Covered in Session 3
We will cover case studies, examples and real life review of Feng Shui solutions for realtors, buyers, sellers and developers to achieve individual real estate goals quickly, and for developers to design homes and dwellings that nourish occupants.

Total Course Length:
165 minutes in 3 sessions
You can review the course as many times as you want in 90 days from starting the course.
Course led by Michele Duffy
3 sessions, $135
Testimonials for Michele

"Michele Duffy is a friend and supporter of Tiber House-NY. Several years ago we enjoyed her Feng Shui talents and her professional intuitive approach to clearing our space. Michele is open, thoughtful, thorough, and shared her Feng Shui wisdom with us, improving the overall flow of chi at Tibet House-NY. Positive energy infused Michele's Feng Shui work, and our NYC staff also invited her to their homes and apartments for her Feng Shui consultations and astrology."
Dr. Robert Thurman,
President Tibet House-NY
"I came to Michele with no previous experience with Feng Shui. She explained the overall concepts of her approach both clearly and meaningfully, and she gave me a thorough and interesting analysis of my total re-design project for one of my clients. In working with Michele, I gleaned a new perspective and established some new parameters to consider in my design process. Michele's passion and excitement for her work is obvious, and her vivacious energy brightens the room."
David Papanikolas
Alta Constructors Tucson AZ

"I bought a building to host yoga classes in. It came with some pretty funky energy that did not want to leave...flooding, fleas, and the last straw, a tree fell on a student's car! I called Michele. She gave me cures that included gathering water from successful businesses, thinking and saying successful thoughts, prayer flags, mirrors, and blessed crystals, but most importantly daily rituals performed to keep the studio in a positive light. Since then, I have been able to move the business forward with only minor interruptions. Every day I enter the studio, perform my ritual and give thanks to Michele for guiding me into the light."
Pam Johnson
Director & Owner
Heights School of Yoga - Houston, Texas
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